Each family enrolled in Alliance Academy will have access to $1,200 per student, per school year for activities such as sports, art, music and consumable school supplies needed to participate fully in lessons, activities and / or instructional classes. Students enrolled after the school year begins will have a pro-rated amount. Personal items such as shoes, helmets, balls, etc. are not allowable. Up to $600 per semester will be reimbursed. Any money not spent in the first semester will be carried over and added to the $600 allotted for second semester. The intent is for you to spend $600 of enrichment money per semester so opportunities are spread throughout the year for the student.
The cost of providing internet in the home during the school year can be reimbursed as well. The cost of internet for families with multiple students will be divided evenly between the children in the program.
Please note: Only activities that occur during the school year are reimbursable. You may pay for activities before the school year starts as long as the receipt is clear that the activities will occur within the school year. Consumable supplies intended to be used during the school year cannot be purchased prior to mid-August.