All online curriculums have assessments built in. For textbooks the tests and answer keys are as follows:
Saxon Language Arts and Math: tests and answer keys are in the book.
Math U See: tests and answer keys are in a separate test booklet that is included with the curriculum.
JacKris Language Arts: tests and answer keys are only in the Growing with Grammar curriculum packet, in a white envelope that is provided with the packet. Soaring with Spelling post-tests are in the student book. There are no tests in the Winning with Writing curriculum packet.
All About Reading/All About Spelling: since these are mastery programs and students do not proceed until they have mastered each concept we keep track of progress on the progress maps included in the curriculum. Your teacher may also ask your student to demonstrate their mastery during a home visit.
MyWorld Social Studies: tests and answer keys are in the google drive: Savvas Resources folder
US History: tests and answer keys are in the google drive: Savvas Resources folder
Interactive Science: tests and answer keys are in the google drive: Savvas Resources folder
Elevate Science: tests and answer keys are in the google drive: Savvas Resources folder
Mystery Science: tests and answer keys are in the google drive: Mystery Science
Oregon History: assessment will be answering the first 3 questions in each question set of each chapter.